יום שבת, 15 בספטמבר 2012

Relationships in family

One day when I'll be a father ,my child and me will have a sympathetic relationship.
He'll tell me everything and we'll be like friends ,moreover I'll let him be independent.
However, nowadays, parents have a complicated relationship with their child for several reasons,
for instance, (the) generation gap, experience and principles.

My relationship with my parents is quite good ,we don't debate or clash, but it takes alot
of energy from both of us. I got my independence without asking them (for it), they just give(gr.) it to me ,so we didn't fight over it. Also, they try to give me everything I want ,and when they don't give me what I want I try to understand why they did it. So ,first side(ww.), my parents try to understand me and respond to my needs and on the other hand, I try to stay clam when they refuse.

In my opinion, the main reason for those complicated relationships between both sides is tenacity because when one side refuses the other side gets angry and they both fight until they bleeding(ww.+gr.). The solution to this problem is very easy, to be more patient and understand each other better. Even when the problem is bigger, there are a lot of professionals that can help in this situation, from Alon Gal to workshops in this issue.

In conclusion, (a) home should be a nice place(phr.). However, it requires patience from both sides, they must try to bridge their different opinions. In order to get what they want ,they both have to understand each other and to understand that fighting  won't lead them anywhere.

Much better. Well done!

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