יום שבת, 21 באפריל 2012

Two Little Important Things

Everybody knows the word 'succeed'(ww.-success), have you ever wondered what really made someone successful? which characteristics help us to succeed? In my opinion, there are two important characteristics that help someone to succeed. The first one is patience, when you're listening to someone, and the second characteristic is to know when you need to be convincing.

In your life, you need to hear(ww.-listen to) people's opinions(ww.-advice) and to know how to use it for you, by taking all the opinions and trying to make(ww.-get to) the best solution, with some of the opinions.Moreover, people will be glad when they  hear about your idea, because this idea help them to get what they want them ,and you care about them.
(not clear,what do you mean?). Then people try to help you, because you helped
When someone tries to make people choose him, so he could succeed in what he is planning,(New sentence)  he have(gr.) to know how to convince people, to know how to explain his idea and make it sound the best. An example for that is like in politics, where everybody trying(gr.) to convince the other people to choose him(ww.-them), and then he can make rules and agreements(phr. - not clear).

 In conclusion, the two main characteristic, in my opinion, are being convincing and listening to others' opinions ,because it is a good way to succeed. My advice to you is to try to listen to others' opinions even when you don't want to succeed, and then when you really need them they will be there for you.

It's still not very clear, although it's better.

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