יום חמישי, 1 בדצמבר 2011

activitiy 4

Activity 4: Compare and Contrast
How would you define the character of George Stoyonovich?
  George is… 
Answer: George is living(gr.-lives) at(ww.-in) (a) poor neighborhood, he left school when he was 16 years (old), (Start a new sentence) now he's 19 years old, he have(gr.) a father and a sister, (New sentenec) his father doesn't communicate with his environment and he's working(gr.) at the fish market,(New sentence) he's(ww.-his) sister talks a lot with him and give(gr.) him some money from her work at(ww.-in) the Bronx.
George is  taking his motivation from his environment(phr.), he wants everybody (to) respect and to be independent(what??), he doesn't like the school and he hate(gr.) the teachers because he doesn't like the idea that someone tells(gr.) him what to do and how, so he left the school, he even didn't try to complete his education so, in my opinion, he is lazy too.     

Luckily for George, he is still young and able to change his situation, unlike Mr. Cattanzara.
 The meaning of Stoyonovich in Polish is "Staying in one place".
 The meaning of Cattanzara in Italian is "Chained to a place".(כבול)
  1. What is true about Mr. Cattanzara?לאפיין
Answer: Mr.C is(מיותר) works at(ww.-as) the change maker at the underground train, he doesn't(gr.-isn't) happy with his life, so he gets drunk often, (New sentence) he has a sick wife who cares about him very much, at the(מיותר) nights, when Mr.C. reads "The New York Times" from cover to cover, she's(gr.) looks at him. Mr.C cares about George and about George's future. He asked him how does(מיותר) he spends his summer, and he want(gr.) to hear a convincing answer from him, (New sentence) his work tells us about his role at(ww.-in) George's life.
Mr.C's situation is permanent, he can't change his situation and as his last name he's chained to a place(ww.- his house, his wife and his job)
 2. Compare and contrast George and Mr. Cattanzara. How are they similar? How are they different?מה דומה ומה שונה

George and Mr.C both are(מיותר) need to pick up their education in goal(ww-order) to get a better future but Mr.cC, as opposed to George, is Intelligent ,he know(gr.) when George is lying to him.
They both live in the same neighborhood, they are both immigrants.
They are(מיותר) both don't have a good relation with their family, they are both simple people.
George and Mr.C both are escaping(gr.-escape) from reality, everyone with(phr.-each in) his own way, George is going(gr.) to the park and dreaming(gr.) about a better life, as opposed to Mr.c, that his way to(ww.-who) escapes from reality is to get(ww.-by getting) drunk and to read(gr.-reading) his newspaper from cover to cover.

George is a teenager and he still can change his future, whereas Mr.c he's(ww.-is) already (an) adult and he can't change his future.

George takes his motivation(phr.) from the people around him, whereas Mr.c that taking care for himself(not clear what you mean here).


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