יום ראשון, 25 במרץ 2012

My dilemma

Today I would like to share with you a dilemma I had ,but first I would like to explain what is a dilemma .Dilemma is a complicated problem, it's the kind of problem that doesn't have only one right solution. Moreover ,sometimes a dilemma doesn't have a solution all, and you need to choose the best solution for 
 you- the one that can help you the most or the one you think is the right thing to do.
Sometimes all the solutions won't be what you planned.

So after this explanation I want to introduce to you one of my dilemma's lately.
About two years ago, I had to choose between two classes (Nachshon and the computer class).
Nachshon is scientific class- the subjects taught in this class are chemistry,physics and biolgy 
,unlike the computer class subjects ,which are mostly about computers and programming.

At the end, I chose the programming class becuse most of my friend went to this class too,and I wanted to
be with them.I had considered some things when I had to choose, for example: the subjects I'm going to learn in 
each class,am I like those subjects at all? ,How am I going to find a new friends?
How does each class going to help me as a person?
So, I chose the programming class because I thought it was better to me. But I had not done this choice alone,
my family helped me.

Looking back I don't think I that my choice was the right one. Because I had gone to the class because of my
friends and after a month I moved to the  Nachshon class. When I had chosen this class I thought that it was the
 end of the world because I will be alone until I will find some new friends,but I had to think differently.
but I was wrong ,luckily I succeed move to the Nachshon class.

The second option was to stay at the Nachshon class from the beginning (I moved before the first day
of study).
Today my feeling when I'm in class is very good because I found new freinds,In conclusion I think 
I made the right decision
